0141 840 1454

Codes of Conduct
MUST be 10 minutes prior to class (make sure you are there to oversee arrival of gymnast and ready to start on time).
Check ALL equipment at the start of every session making sure it is in a usable condition.
Make sure appropriate forms are signed (enrolment form and photographic form).
Be prepared to start a training warm up session without being asked.
Training sessions are for coaching, be aware of the whole gym.
Remember you are a ROLE MODEL when you are a coach.
Work within the guidelines relating to your qualifications and insurance.
Consider the SAFETY and WELLBEING of participants before the development of performance.
Follow Scottish Gymnastics Code of Conduct Guidelines.
Wear the club uniform provided.
NO sitting down during training sessions.
Be FRIENDLY and HELPFUL at all times.
High standard of appearance, behaviour AND language.
Work on good relationship with the gymnasts and parents based on trust and respect.
DO NOT talk about gymnasts during the training session.
Ensure the gymnasts in your care are HANDED back to their parent/guardian before you leave the premises.
Report any incidents of poor practise or potential abuse following the appropriate guidelines set out in Scottish Gymnastics Child Protection procedures.
Lead coaches should prepare a lesson plan that should be followed.
Assistant coaches must follow the lead directions of the head coach.
Ensure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of the gymnast and that all participants are suitably prepared physically and psychologically.
Take off jewellery before coaching.
Never consume alcohol on the same day prior to coming to the gym.
Never smoke immediately before or during training sessions or events.
Never condone rule violations or use of prohibited substances.
Communicate with young people through the young person’s parent/guardian, rather than directly i.e. texting/social media.
Do NOT add gymnasts to social media networking sites such as Facebook, beboetc and vice versa.
Do NOT undermine or contradict another coach or their coaching techniques in front of the gymnasts. If there is an issue it should be discussed with the Head Coach directly.
Always promote Eagle Gymnastics Club and do not speak negatively about the Club to anyone else within the gymnastics field. Any issues should be discussed with the Head Coach directly.
Follow all Club and Training Rules laid down by Scottish Gymnastics and Eagle Gymnastics Club. Failure to do so will mean that person is no longer a member of the Club and will be required to leave.
Make sure that confidential information is not divulged unless you have the approval of the person concerned.
Ensure one other responsible adult is present during training sessions.
NO outdoor shoes in the gym.
Make sure the area which you worked at last is clean and tidy before you leave.
All crash mats and other movable equipment are all put away neat and tidy at the end of EVERY session.
In the BUILDING gymnasts must:
DO NOT enter the gym unless one of the coaches is present and allows you in.
Sit quietly in the waiting area while another class is in the gym until you are asked to line up by the coach.
Line up quickly if you hear the FIRE ALARM and march out of the nearest fire exit to the car park. DO NOT RUN!
DO NOT leave the building until you are picked up by your parent/guardian, UNLESS it has been agreed with the coach first.
Take care of your own property and that of other club members.
In the GYM gymnasts must:
Always listen to the coaches and helpers.
DO NOT run except to warm up and for the vault.
Line up quickly and quietly ready to march to the next apparatus when told.
Wipe your hands on the cloths when you have finished on bars to remove the chalk.
DO NOT eat or drink.
DO NOT wear shoes.
DO NOT leave the session with being told it is ok to do so.
Take care of ALL the apparatus in the gym.
ALWAYS wear a leotard or clothing that will allow you to be able to move easily.
DO NOT wear jeans or trousers with buttons as it can damage the apparatus.
DO NOT wear football colours.
Leave shoes in the changing room.
Hair must be tied up or else you will NOT get to take part.
ALL jewellery must be taken off before taking part.
You MUST tell the coach if you are unwell or have hurt yourself before the class starts.
You MUST tell the coach if you hurt yourself during training.
Be on time for training and competitions.
Respect ALL staff and listen to them at ALL times.
ALWAYS do as you are told by the staff.
Respect the other gymnasts at ALL times.
Remember your behaviour can affect other gymnasts so NEVER do anything to upset another gymnast.
ALWAYS be nice to others and work as a team.
Mobile Phones:
Mobile phones must be left switched off in the changing area.
Gymnasts must not use social media to make ANY hurtful comments about another gymnast in the club.
Encourage your child to abide by the club rules.
The duty of care by the club begins when the gymnast is entering into the gym class leaving the parent/guardian at the changing area, UNLESS the coach is notified that the gymnast can come and go without their parent/guardian.
The duty of care by the club ends when the gymnast is collected from inside the premises, UNLESS the coach is notified that the gymnast can come and go without their parent/guardian.
Always collect your child promptly at the end of each session. After 10 minutes you will be contacted, if there is no reply the secondary number will be contacted. After 30 minutes the police will be contacted and after 45 minutes your child will be taken to the nearest police station until you can be contacted.
Parents/guardians must:
Fill out an enrolment form and a photographic consent form.
Inform the club of any change in contact details.
Have fees paid on time, failure to do so could result in your child losing his/her space.
Inform the club at the earliest opportunity if your child is unable to attend the session.
Inform the coaches immediately of any illness, injury or allergy that may affect a child’s training and the club reserves the right to ask any gymnast to sit out of the session until a parent can fetch them, if the coach deems them unfit to train.
Use correct and proper language at all times within the club premises.
Make sure your child is dressed appropriately for gymnastics.
Never force your child to participate in sport.
Never belittle or punish a child for poor performance or making mistakes.
Set a good example in sportsmanship behaviour by encouraging ALL gymnasts, applaud good performances.
Accept the decision of the lead coach in all matters concerning the club.
Support your child and help them to enjoy their sport.